Mid-Summer 2015 Pepper Garden Update

Although this has been one of the mildest Texas summer’s in a while.  My tomatoes seemed to have stalled out for the time being.  I am sure they will be producing more, once the cooler temps kick in around September.  My Jalapeno peppers seem to be slower this year.  My overwintered Habanero Plant is producing as normal.  I did have some Serrano Plants come about and one Cayenne.  The Trinidad Scorpions are stalling and I believe it has to be hotter to get them going.  I may have to overwinter those.  My Tomatoes consist of the Roma, Cherry,  Celebrity, and one unknown varieties.  By next year I hope to have a garden in the backyard started and will be out of the bucket brigade.  I do find it highly doubtful though as my Garden addiction will have me with a garden in the back and a bunch of garden buckets in the front.  Maybe next year I can be a little more diligent about labeling my seeds.

Yellow Bells 012
Serrano, Trinidad Scorpion, Cayenne and some more unknown starts
Yellow Bells 014
Okra with some jalapeno in the background
Yellow Bells 010
Roma tomato
Yellow Bells 009
Cayenne Pepper
Yellow Bells 008
Yellow Bells 007
Unknown tomato, Maybe Big Boy
Roma Tomatoes with Peppers around them Total Experiment Peppers not producing yet.

A Tribute To My Grandmother

Born in a small town, my Grandmother has spent her entire life in Nebraska in several towns.  The towns ranging from Central City, Aurora, Omaha and probably a few more I have missed.  I do know she is well-traveled though, and one day I hope to have traveled like she has.  But mainly what my Grandmother means to me is compassion and love.  The last town she lived in before moving into a  care facility was Central City Nebraska.   That town and my grandmother are a beacon of comfort for me.  Every time  I pull into that town I have a feeling of inner peace run through me.   She has always been someone I can call and talk to, although in recent years it has not been that easy due to how hearing aids work.  The things I remember most are the home cooked meals, COOKIES,  and fresh vegetables.  I also remember as a young boy chasing snakes and gophers in holes in the back yard with my cousins.  She was my mother’s mother and we lost my mother in 96 and since then I have always went to her or thought of her on Mother’s day.  She is a wonderful Grandmother and she will always be in my heart.  I love her very dearly.  She is still with us to this day but currently in the hospital.  So I say this prayer for her.

Be with her Lord in her sickness and may she feel your presence with her.  Provide for all her needs I pray and I ask Lord that the doctors may identify the right medicines to help speed her recovery.  Keep her close to Your loving arms and may she find her rest in You, especially during this period of sickness.  I ask this in Jesus name


Grandmother and Myself around 1997-1998
Aunt Donna, Aunt Doris, Elvera, Christopher and Janice
Aunt Donna and Elvera April of 1988
Jennifer, Elvera, Christopher, Janice and Charles. My parents and cousin with Grandmother.
Me and my Grandmother
Jerry and Elvera Mid-70's
Grandpa and Grandma
Elvera, Eldon, and Donald probably late 20-s or early 30’s
Jerry and Elvera Reeves Apr 24 1946
Grandma and Grandpa
Grandpa Bankson, Elvera, Janice and Christopher May of 85
Janice, Grandpa Bankson, Christopher and Elvera May of 1985


Pepper Garden Beginning of Summer 2015

So I have started the Summer of 2015 with and overwintered Habanero, Jalapeno, and Cayenne.  I have also started from seed Jalapeno, Habanero, Serrano, and Trinidad Scorpion.  I am having trouble getting the Trinidad Scorpions to really take off and grow.  My main goal with these peppers is to make Hot Sauces, Candied Peppers, Jams and Jellies infused with peppers, and Enchilada Sauces.  While almost all five of my children will not eat anything with heat in it, I on the other hand love the spice in almost every meal I eat.  I do have several tomato plants started from seed but I will save that for another day.  There is one plant below that has tomato seed spread in the center and surrounded by Jalapeno and Serrano seed as an experiment.   We will see as the summer progresses how these plants fair and if even produce.

Overwintered Habanero Plant
Overwintered Habanero Plant
Garden Beginning Summer of 2015 005
Another Shot of Overwintered Habanero with cage for Support.
Garden Beginning Summer of 2015 007
Unknown Tomato Seed saved through year in center and Serrano and Jalapeno seed around it as experiment. Cage coming Soon
Garden Beginning Summer of 2015 004
Garden Beginning Summer of 2015 002
Jalapeno in Blue pot and Trinidad Scorpion Pepper in other 3
Peppers, Peppers, and More Peppers.
Peppers, Peppers, and More Peppers.

The Daily Struggle and Successes of a Modern Day Family of Seven